This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

Този тест се използва, за да се провери дали в системата е добавена правилната концентрация на Fernox Protector. Това се постига чрез измерване на разликата в алкалността между водата в мрежата и водата на третираната система.

Цитираната оптимална стойност е, когато системата се дозира в препоръчителната сила. По-високите стойности не са вредни и са за предпочитане пред недостатъчното дозиране.

Разклатете бутилката с реагента преди употреба.

  1. Напълнете градуиран съд от 30ml до обозначението за 10ml с вода от мрежата.
  2. Като държите бутилката с Protector Reagent напълно вертикално с главата надолу, добавете една капка (разтворът трябва да стане син). Ако разтворът не стане син, а остане бистър или незабавно стане оранжев, пребройте броя капки като 1 и преминете към стъпка 4.
  3. Продължавайте да добавяте Reagent капка по капка, като разбърквате между всяко добавяне. Пребройте капките, необходими за превръщане на разтвора в оранжев/червен.
  4. Повторете горните стъпки от 1 до 3 с проба на водата в системата.
  5. Извадете броя капки вода от водопроводната мрежа от броя капки от системата, за да получите разликата.
  6. Ако разликата е по-малка от посочения по-долу минимум, добавете още Protector.
ProductРазлика в брой капки*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 Минимум
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 Минимум
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 Минимум
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 Минимум
Protector MB-19 Минимум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 Минимум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 Минимум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 Минимум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 Минимум
HVAC Protector F19 Минимум
FC1 Inhibitor9 Минимум
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 Минимум

*Разлика между водата от системата и водата от водопроводната мрежа (броят капки, използвани от водата от системата минус броя капки, използвани във водата от водопроводната мрежа).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

Ovaj test upotrebljava se za provjeru je li pravilna koncentracija Fernox Protectora dodana u sustav. To se postiže mjerenjem razlike u lužnatosti između vode iz vodovoda i tretirane vode u sustavu.

Optimalna navedena vrijednost postiže se kad se sustav dozira preporučenom snagom. Veće vrijednosti nisu štetne i poželjnije su od nedovoljnog doziranja.

Prije uporabe protresite bocu s reagensom.

  1. Napunite testnu posudu s oznakama do 30 ml do oznake za 10 ml vodom iz vodovoda.
  2. Držite bocu sa sredstvom Protector Reagent okomito i naopako, dodajte jednu kap (otopina treba postati plava). Ako otopina ne postane plava, nego ostane bistra ili odmah postane narančasta, označite kapi brojem 1 i prijeđite na korak 4.
  3. Nastavite dodavati Reagent kap po kap, miješajući između svakog dodavanja. Prebrojite broj kapi potrebnih da otopina postane narančasta/crvena.
  4. Ponovite korake od 1 do 3 s uzorkom vode iz sustava.
  5. Oduzmite broj kapi vode iz vodovoda od broja kapi vode iz sustava kako biste dobili razliku.
  6. Ako je razlika manja od minimuma navedenog u nastavku, dodajte još Protectora.
ProductRazlika u broju kapi*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 Minimalno
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 Minimalno
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 Minimalno
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 Minimalno
Protector MB-19 Minimalno
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 Minimalno
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 Minimalno
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 Minimalno
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 Minimalno
HVAC Protector F19 Minimalno
FC1 Inhibitor9 Minimalno
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 Minimalno

*Razlika između vode iz sustava i vode iz vodovoda (broj kapi iskorištenih u vodi iz sustava minus broj kapi iskorištenih u vodi iz vodovoda).

Tento test je používán ke kontrole, zda byla do systému přidána správná koncentrace přípravku Fernox Protector. Test se provádí měřením rozdílu v zásaditosti mezi vodou z vodovodu a vodou zpracovanou systémem.

Optimální uvedená hodnota uvádí, když je systém dávkován v doporučené síle. Vyšší hodnoty nejsou škodlivé a jsou vhodnější než poddávkování.

Před protřepání reagentem zatřepejte.

  1. Naplňte 30ml odměrnou testovací nádobu vodou z vodovodu po značku 10ml.
  2. Držte lahvičku s ochranným činidlem Protector Reagent přesně svisle vzhůru nohama, přidejte jednu kapku (roztok by měl zbarvit modře). Pokud se roztok nezmění modře, ale zůstane čirý nebo se okamžitě změní na oranžovou, započítejte jednu kapku a přejděte ke kroku 4.
  3. Přidávejte Reagent po kapkách a po každém přidání zamíchejte. Spočítejte počet kapek potřebných k otočení roztoku na oranžovou / červenou.
  4. Opakujte kroky 1 až 3 se vzorkem systémové vody.
  5. Odpočtěte počet kapek vody z vodovodu od počtu kapek systémové vody a zjistěte rozdíl.
  6. Pokud rozdíl činí méně než níže udaná minimální hodnota, přidejte další Protector.
ProductRozdíl v počtu kapek*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimálně
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimálně
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimálně
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimálně
Protector MB-19 minimálně
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimálně
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimálně
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimálně
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimálně
HVAC Protector F19 minimálně
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimálně
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimálně

*Rozdíl mezi systémovou vodou a vodou z vodovodu (počet kapek použitých v systémové vodě mínus počet kapek použitých ve vodě z vodovodu).

Denne test kontrollerer, at den korrekte koncentration af Fernox Protector er blevet tilføjet i et system. Dette gøres ved at måle forskellen i alkalitet mellem ledningsvand og behandlet systemvand.

Den optimale figur er, når systemet doseres med den anbefalede styrke. Højere værdier er ikke skadelige og foretrækkes frem for underdosering.

Ryst Reagent flasken før brug.

  1. Fyld den 30 ml gradueret testbeholder op til 10 ml mærket med ledningsvand.
  2. Hold Protector Reagent-flasken absolut lodret med bunden opad, tilføj en dråbe (opløsningen skal blive blå). Hvis opløsningen ikke bliver blå men forbliver klar eller øjeblikkeligt bliver orange, tæl antallet af dråber som 1 og gå til skridt 4.
  3. Fortsæt med at tilføje Reagent dråbevis, bland mellem hver tilsætning. Tæl antallet af dråber krævet for at gøre opløsningen orange/rød.
  4. Gentag trin 1 til 3 ovenfor med en prøve af systemvandet.
  5. Træk antallet af dråber af ledningsvand fra antallet af dråber systemvand for at udregne forskellen.
  6. Hvis forskellen er mindre end nedenstående minimum, skal du tilføje yderligere Protector.
ProductAntal dråbers forskel*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Forskel mellem systemvand og ledningsvand (antal dråber brugt af systemvand minus antal dråber anvendt af ledningsvand).

Deze test wordt gebruikt om te controleren of de juiste hoeveelheid Fernox Protector aan het systeem is toegevoegd. Dit wordt gedaan door het verschil in alkaliteit te meten tussen leidingwater en het behandelde water in het verwarmingssysteem.

Bij de optimale waarde heeft het systeem de aanbevolen alkaliteit. Een hogere waarde heeft geen nadelige effecten en is beter dan een te lage waarde.

Schud het reagens voor gebruik.

  1. Vul het 30ml testbuisje tot de 10ml markering met leidingwater.
  2. Houd de fles met Protector Reagent precies verticaal op de kop en voeg één druppel toe (de oplossing kleurt blauw). Indien de oplossing niet blauw kleurt, maar kleurloos blijft of direct oranje kleurt, ga dan verder met stap 4 (het aantal druppels is 1).
  3. Ga door met een voor een druppels Reagent toevoegen en meng na elke druppel. Tel het aantal druppels dat nodig is om de oplossing oranje/rood te kleuren.
  4. Herhaal de stappen 1 tot 3 met verwarmingwater.
  5. Trek het getelde aantal druppels voor leidingwater af van het getelde aantal druppels voor het verwarmingwater om het aantal druppels verschil te berekenen.
  6. Indien het verschil kleiner is dan het minimum zoals hier beneden is aangegeven, voeg dan meer Protector toe.
ProductAantal druppels verschil*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Verschil tussen verwarmingwater en leidingwater (het aantal getelde druppels voor verwarmingwater min het aantal druppels voor leidingwater).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

Ce test sert à vérifier que la concentration correcte de Fernox Protector a été ajoutée dans un système. Pour ce faire, on mesure la différence d’alcalinité entre l’eau du réseau et l’eau traitée.

Le chiffre optimal indiqué est celui où le système est dosé à la puissance recommandée. Des valeurs plus élevées ne sont pas nuisibles et sont préférables à une sous-dose.

Agiter le flacon de réactif avant utilisation.

  1. Remplir le récipient gradué de 30 ml jusqu’à la marque de 10 ml avec de l’eau de ville.
  2. En tenant le flacon de Protector Reagent exactement à l’envers à la verticale, ajouter une goutte (la solution doit devenir bleue). Si la solution ne devient pas bleue mais reste claire ou devient immédiatement orange, compter le nombre de gouttes comme 1 et passer à l’étape 4.
  3. Continuer d’ajouter le Reagent goutte à goutte, en mélangeant entre chaque addition. Comptez le nombre de gouttes nécessaires pour faire tourner la solution orange/rouge.
  4. Répétez les étapes 1 à 3 ci-dessus avec un échantillon de l’eau du système.
  5. Déduisez le nombre de gouttes d’eau du réseau du nombre de gouttes d’eau du système pour obtenir la différence.
  6. Si la différence est inférieure au minimum indiqué ci-dessous, ajoutez une Protector supplémentaire.
ProductDifférence du nombre de gouttes*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Différence entre l’eau du système et l’eau du réseau (nombre de gouttes utilisées dans l’eau du système moins le nombre de gouttes utilisées dans l’eau du réseau).

Mit diesem Test wird überprüft, ob die richtige Konzentration von Fernox Protector in einem System hinzugefügt wurde. Dies geschieht durch die Messung des Alkalinitätsunterschieds zwischen Leitungswasser und aufbereitetem Systemwasser.

Die optimale Angabe besteht darin, wenn das System mit der empfohlenen Stärke dosiert wird. Höhere Werte sind nicht schädlich und der Unterdosierung vorzuziehen.

Schütteln Sie die Reagenzflasche vor Gebrauch.

  1. Füllen Sie das 30 ml Messgefäß bis zur 10 ml-Marke mit Leitungswasser.
  2. Halten Sie die Protector Reagent Flasche genau senkrecht auf dem Kopf, geben Sie einen Tropfen hinzu (die Lösung sollte blau werden). Wenn die Lösung nicht blau wird, sondern klar bleibt oder sofort orange wird, zählen Sie die Anzahl der Tropfen als 1 und gehen Sie zu Schritt 4 über.
  3. Fahren Sie fort, das Reagent tropfenweise hinzuzufügen und mischen Sie es zwischen den einzelnen Zusätzen. Zählen Sie die Anzahl der Tropfen, die erforderlich sind, um die Lösung orange/rot zu färben.
  4. Wiederholen Sie die Schritte 1 bis 3 oben mit einer Probe des Systemwassers.
  5. Ziehen Sie die Anzahl der Tropfen Leitungswasser von der Anzahl der Tropfen Systemwasser ab, um die Differenz zu ermitteln.
  6. Ist die Differenz kleiner als das unten angegebene Minimum, fügen Sie zusätzlich Protector-Flüssigkeit hinzu.
ProductAnzahl der Tropfen Differenz*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 mindestens
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 mindestens
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 mindestens
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 mindestens
Protector MB-19 mindestens
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 mindestens
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 mindestens
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 mindestens
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 mindestens
HVAC Protector F19 mindestens
FC1 Inhibitor9 mindestens
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 mindestens

*Unterschied zwischen Systemwasser und Leitungswasser (Anzahl der im Systemwasser verwendeten Tropfen minus Anzahl der im Leitungswasser verwendeten Tropfen).

Το τεστ αυτό ελέγχει πως η σωστή συγκέντρωση του Fernox Protector έχει προστεθεί στο σύστημα. Αυτό βρίσκεται μετρώντας την διαφορά στην αλκαλικότητα μεταξύ του νερού του κεντρικού συστήματος και του συστήματος που έχει υποστεί επεξεργασία.

Η βέλτιστη τιμή που αναφέρεται είναι όταν το σύστημα έχει την δοσολογία στην προτεινόμενη ισχύ. Υψηλότερες τιμές δεν είναι καταστρεπτικές και είναι προτιμότερες των χαμηλότερων.

Ανακινήστε την φιάλη του Reagent πριν την χρήση.

  1. Γεμίστε τα 30ml του δοκιμαστικού δοχείου με τις διαβαθμίσεις μέχρι το σημείο των 10ml με νερό από την βασική παροχή.
  2. Κρατώντας την φιάλη του Protector Reagent ακριβώς κατακόρυφα και ανάποδα, προσθέστε μία σταγόντα (το διάλυμα πρέπει να γίνει μπλε.) Αν το διάλυμα δεν γίνει μπλε, αλλά παραμείνει καθαρό, ή γίνει αμέσως πορτοκαλί, μετρήστε τον αριθμό των σταγόνων ως 1 και προχωρήστε το βήμα 4.
  3. Συνεχίστε να προσθέτετε Reagent ανά σταγόνα, ανακατεύοντας μετά από κάθε πρόσθεση. Μετρήστε τον αριθμό των σταγόνων που απαιτούνται για να γίνει το διάλυμα πορτοκαλί/κόκκινο.
  4. Επαναλάβετε τα παραπάνω βήματα 1 με 3 με δείγμα από το νερό του συστήματος.
  5. Αφαιρέστε τον αριθμό των σταγόνων που απαιτήθηκαν για το νερό του γενικού δικτύου από τον αριθμό των σταγόνων από το σύστημα νερού για να βρεθεί η διαφορά.
  6. Αν η διαφορά είναι μικρότερη από την ελάχιστη που δίνεται παρακάτω, προσθέστε επιπλέον Protector.
ProductΔιαφορά αριθμού σταγόνων*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 ελάχιστη
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 ελάχιστη
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 ελάχιστη
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 ελάχιστη
Protector MB-19 ελάχιστη
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 ελάχιστη
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 ελάχιστη
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 ελάχιστη
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 ελάχιστη
HVAC Protector F19 ελάχιστη
FC1 Inhibitor9 ελάχιστη
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 ελάχιστη

*Διαφορά μεταξύ του συστήματος νερού και του νερού του κεντρικού δικτύου (αριθμός σταγόνων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στο δίκτυο μείον αριθμό των σταγόνων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στο κεντρικό δίκτυο)

Ezzel a teszttel az ellenőrizhető, hogy a rendszerbe a Fernox Protector megfelelő koncentrációban került-e be. Ez a vezetékes és a már kezelt rendszerből származó víz lúgosságának mérésével történik.

Az optimális érték akkor érhető el, ha a rendszerbe az ajánlott erősségű adag kerül. A magasabb értékek sem ártalmasak és inkább ezek ajánlottak, nem pedig a dózis csökkentése.

Használat előtt rázza meg a reagens üveget.

  1. Töltse meg a 30 ml-es vizsgálati edényt a 10 ml-es szintig a vezetékből származó vízzel.
  2. Tartsa a Protector Reagent üveget függőlegesen és fejjel lefelé és adjon hozzá egy cseppet (az oldatnak kékké kell változni). Ha az oldat nem lett kék, de továbbra is tiszta marad esetleg azonnal narancssárgává válik, akkor a cseppek számát számítsa egyként és ugorjon a 4. lépésre.
  3. Ezután adja hozzá cseppenként a Reagent-et és keverje össze minden csepp után. Számolja meg, hogy hány csepp szükséges ahhoz, hogy az oldat narancssárgává/pirossá váljon.
  4. Most ismételje meg az első három lépést rendszer vízen.
  5. A különbség kiszámításához vonja ki a vezetékből származó vízhez hozzáadott cseppek számát a rendszerből származó vízhez hozzáadott cseppekből.
  6. Ha a különbség kisebb, mint az alul megadott minimális érték, akkor adjon hozzá még a Protector termékből.
ProductA cseppek száma közti különbség*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 Legalább
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 Legalább
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 Legalább
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 Legalább
Protector MB-19 Legalább
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 Legalább
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 Legalább
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 Legalább
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 Legalább
HVAC Protector F19 Legalább
FC1 Inhibitor9 Legalább
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 Legalább

*A rendszerből és a vezetékből származó víz közti különbség (a rendszerből származó vízhez hozzáadott cseppek mínusz a vezetékből származó vízhez hozzáadott cseppek száma).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

Questo test viene eseguito per verificare che sia stata aggiunta all’impianto la concentrazione corretta di Fernox Protector. A tale scopo si misura la differenza di alcalinità tra l’acqua del rubinetto e quella trattata presente nell’impianto.

Il valore ottimale riscontrabile nell’impianto è quello corrispondente alla concentrazione raccomandata. Valori superiori non sono dannosi e sono preferibili a concentrazioni insufficienti.

Agitare il flacone del reagente prima dell’uso.

  1. Riempire il recipiente di prova graduato da 30ml, con acqua di rubinetto fino al segno di 10ml.
  2. Capovolgere il flacone di Protector Reagent, tenendolo perfettamente verticale, aggiungere una goccia (la soluzione dovrebbe diventare blu). Se la soluzione non diventa blu ma resta trasparente o diventa subito arancione, considerare un numero di gocce pari a 1 e andare al passaggio 4.
  3. Continuare ad aggiungere gocce di Reagent, mescolando prima di aggiungere la goccia successiva. Contare il numero di gocce necessarie per fare assumere alla soluzione una colorazione arancione/rossa.
  4. Ripetere i passaggi da 1 a 3 con un campione di acqua dell’impianto.
  5. Sottrarre dal numero di gocce versate nel campione di acqua dell’impianto quelle aggiunte all’acqua del rubinetto, per ottenere la differenza.
  6. Se la differenza risulta inferiore al minimo indicato di seguito, aggiungere altro Protector.
ProductNumero di gocce di differenza*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimo
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimo
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimo
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimo
Protector MB-19 minimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimo
HVAC Protector F19 minimo
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimo
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimo

*Differenza fra acqua del rubinetto e acqua dell’impianto (numero di gocce utilizzate per l’acqua dell’impianto meno quelle utilizzate per l’acqua del rubinetto).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

Denne testen brukes for å sjekke at det er korrekt konsentrasjon av Fernox Protector i et system. Dette gjøres ved å måle forskjellen i alkalinitet mellom hovedvannet og behandlet systemvann.

Den optimale figuren som er oppgitt er når systemet er dosert til anbefalt styrke. Høyere verdier er ikke skadelige og foretrekkes fremfor under-dosering.

Rist reagensflasken før bruk.

  1. Fyll den 30 ml store prøvebeholderen til 10 ml-merket med hovedvann.
  2. Hold Protector Reagent-flasken opp-ned vertikalt og drypp i én dråpe (oppløsningen skal bli blå). Hvis oppløsningen ikke blir blå, men forblir klar eller blir øyeblikkelig oransje, tell antallet dråper som 1 og gå til steg 4.
  3. Fortsett å dryppe i Reagent dråpe for dråpe, og bland mellom hver gang. Tell hvor mange dråper som trengs for å få oppløsningen til å bli oransje/rød.
  4. Gjenta steg 1 til 3 ovenfor med en prøve av systemvannet.
  5. Trekk fra antall dråper hovedvann fra antall dråper systemvann for å få forskjellen.
  6. Dersom forskjellen er mindre enn minimum nedenfor, ha i ekstra Protector.
ProductAntall dråper forskjell*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Forskjell mellom systemvann og hovedvann (antall dråper brukt i systemvann minus antall dråper brukt i hovedvann).

Test ten ma na celu sprawdzenie, czy prawidłowe stężenie preparatu Fernox Protector zostało dodane do instalacji. Odbywa się to poprzez pomiar różnicy w wartości alkaliczności pomiędzy wodą z sieci wodociągowej a oczyszczoną wodą z instalacji.

Optymalna wartość podana jest wtedy, gdy dozowanie produktu jest zgodne z zalecaną ilością. Wyższe poziomy stężenia nie są szkodliwe i zaleca się ich stosowanie zamiast zaniżonych dawek.

Wstrząsnąć butelkę z odczynnikiem przed użyciem.

  1. Napełnić naczynie badawcze o pojemności 30 ml do poziomu 10 ml wodą z sieci wodociągowej.
  2. Trzymając butelkę z odczynnikiem Protector Reagent dokładnie pionowo do góry nogami, dodać jedną kroplę (roztwór powinien zmienić kolor na niebieski). Jeśli roztwór nie zmienia barwy na niebieską, ale pozostaje czysty lub natychmiast zmienia kolor na pomarańczowy, należy traktować liczbę kropli jako 1 i przejść do kroku 4.
  3. Kontynuować dodawanie produktu Reagent metodą kropelkową, mieszając go między kolejnymi kroplami. Policzyć liczbę kropli potrzebnych do zmiany koloru roztworu na pomarańczowo-czerwony.
  4. Powtórzyć kroki od 1 do 3 powyżej z próbką wody w instalacji.
  5. Odjąć liczbę kropel wody z sieci wodociągowej od liczby kropel wody z instalacji, aby uzyskać różnicę.
  6. Jeśli różnica jest mniejsza niż wartość minimalna podana poniżej, należy dodać dodatkowe krople odczynnika Protector.
ProductRóżnica w liczbie kropli*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Różnica pomiędzy wodą z instalacji a wodą z sieci wodociągowej (liczba kropel użytych w wodzie z instalacji minus liczba kropel użytych w wodzie z sieci wodociągowej).

Este teste é utilizado para verificar se a concentração correta de Fernox Protector foi adicionada a um sistema. Isto é feito medindo a diferença na alcalinidade entre a água da rede e a água do sistema tratado.

O valor ótimo indicado é quando o sistema é doseado na quantidade recomendada. Valores mais elevados não são prejudiciais e são preferíveis à subdosagem.

Agite o frasco de reagente antes de usar.

  1. Encha o recipiente graduado de 30ml até à marca de 10ml com água da rede.
  2. Segurando o frasco de Protector Reagent exatamente na vertical, adicione uma gota (a solução deve ficar azul). Se a solução não ficar azul, mas permanecer clara ou ficar laranja imediatamente, conte o número de gotas como em 1 e vá para a etapa 4.
  3. Continue a adicionar Reagent gota a gota, agitando entre cada adição. Conte o número de gotas necessárias para transformar a solução em laranja/vermelho.
  4. Repita os passos 1 a 3 acima com uma amostra da água do sistema.
  5. Deduza o número de gotas de água da rede do número de gotas de água do sistema para obter a diferença.
  6. Se a diferença for menor que o mínimo dado abaixo, adicione Protector adicional.
ProductNúmero de diferença de gotas*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 Mínimo de
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 Mínimo de
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 Mínimo de
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 Mínimo de
Protector MB-19 Mínimo de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 Mínimo de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 Mínimo de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 Mínimo de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 Mínimo de
HVAC Protector F19 Mínimo de
FC1 Inhibitor9 Mínimo de
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 Mínimo de

*Diferença entre a água do sistema e a água da rede (número de gotas utilizadas na água do sistema menos o número de gotas utilizadas na água da rede).

Acest test este utilizat pentru a verifica dacă concentrația corectă de Fernox Protector a fost adăugată într-un sistem. Acest lucru este realizat prin măsurarea diferenței de alcalinitate între sursa principală și apa tratată din cadrul sistemului.

Cifra optimă citată este atunci când sistemul este dozat la puterea recomandată. Valorile mai mari nu sunt dăunătoare și sunt de preferat subdozării.

Agitați flaconul de reactiv înainte de utilizare.

  1. Umpleți vasul gradat pentru testare, cu capacitate de 30 ml, până la nivelul de 10 ml cu apă din conductă.
  2. Ținând sticla de Protector Reagent exact pe verticală, cu capul în jos, adăugați o picătură (soluția trebuie să devină albastră). Dacă soluția nu devine albastră dar rămâne clară sau devine portocalie, numărați numărul de picături ca 1 și treceți la pasul 4.
  3. Continuați să adăugați Reagent sub formă de picături, amestecând după fiecare adăugare. Numărați numărul de picături necesare pentru ca soluția să devină portocalie/roșie.
  4. Repetați pașii de mai sus, de la 1 la 3, cu o probă din apa sistemului.
  5. Scădeți numărul de picături ale apei din conductă din numărul de picături ale apei din sistem pentru a da diferența.
  6. Dacă diferența este mai mică decât minimul de mai jos, continuați să adăugați Protector.
ProductDiferența numărului de picături*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 Minimum de
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 Minimum de
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 Minimum de
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 Minimum de
Protector MB-19 Minimum de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 Minimum de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 Minimum de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 Minimum de
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 Minimum de
HVAC Protector F19 Minimum de
FC1 Inhibitor9 Minimum de
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 Minimum de

*Diferența între apa sistemului și apa din conductă (numărul de picături utilizate în apa din sistem minus numărul de picături utilizate în apa din conductă).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

Tento test slúži na kontrolu správnej koncentrácie činidla Fernox Protector pridaného do systému. Vykonáva sa meraním rozdielu v alkalite medzi vodou zo siete a ošetrenou vodou v systéme. 

Optimálny výsledok je dôkazom, že do systému bola látka nadávkovaná v odporúčanej intenzite.  Vyššie hodnoty nie sú škodlivé a sú vhodnejšie ako nedostatočne nízke dávky. 

Fľašku s činidlom pred použitím pretrepte.

  1. Naplňte 30ml testovaciu nádobu so stupnicou vodou z prívodovej siete až po značku 10ml.
  2. Držiac fľašku s činidlom Protector Reagent dôsledne vo vertikálnej polohe dnom nahor, pridajte jednu kvapku (roztok by sa mal sfarbiť na modro). Ak roztok nezmodral, ale ostal číry alebo sa ihneď zmenil na oranžový, zaznačte si počet kvapiek ako 1 a prejdite ku kroku 4.
  3. Pokračujte v pridávaní činidla Reagent po kvapkách, pri každom pridaní roztok zamiešajte. Počítajte si, koľko kvapiek je potrebných na to, aby sa roztok zmenil na oranžový/červený.  
  4. Opakujte vyššie uvedené kroky 1 až 3 so vzorkou vody z vykurovacieho systému.
  5. Odrátajte počet požadovaných kvapiek pri testovaní prívodovej vody s počtom kvapiek vo vode zo systému, aby ste získali rozdiel.
  6. Ak je výsledok nižší ako minimum uvedené nižšie, pridajte ďalšie činidlo Protector.
ProductRozdiel v počte kvapiek*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Rozdiel medzi vodou v systéme a prívodovou vodou zo siete (počet kvapiek použitých vo vode zo systému mínus počet kvapiek použitých vo vode zo siete).

Ta test se uporablja za preverjanje, ali je bila v sistem dodana ustrezna koncentracija zaščitnega sredstva Fernox Protector. Izvede se z merjenjem razlike v alkalnosti vode iz glavnega vodovoda in alkalnosti obdelane vode iz sistema.

Optimalna številka je dosežena, ko je v sistem doziran priporočeni odmerek. Višje vrednosti odmerkov niso škodljive in so bolj zaželene kot prenizke vrednosti.

Steklenico z reagentom pred uporabo pretresite.

  1. Napolnite 30 ml graduirano preskusno posodo do oznake 10 ml z vodo iz vodovoda.
  2. Držite steklenico sredstva Protector Reagent natančno navpično navzdol in v vodo dodajte eno kapljico reagenta (raztopina se mora obarvati modro).
    Če se raztopina ne obarva modro, temveč ostane čista ali se takoj obarva oranžno, preštejte število kapljic kot pod 1 in se premaknite na korak 4.
  3. Nadaljujte z dodajanjem Protector Reagenta po kapljicah, in vsakič znova premešajte.
    Preštejte število kapljic, ki so potrebne za obarvanje raztopine oranžno / rdeče.
  4. Ponovite korake od 1 do 3, kot navedeno zgoraj, in pri tem uporabite vzorec sistemske vode.
  5. Odštejte število kapljic vode iz števila kapljic sistemske vode, da dobite razliko.
  6. Če je razlika manjša od spodaj navedenega minimuma, dodajte več sredstva Protector.
ProductRazlike v številu kapljic*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Razlika med sistemsko vodo in vodo iz vodovoda (število kapljic, uporabljenih v sistemski vodi, minus število kapljic, uporabljenih v vodi iz vodovoda).

Esta prueba se usa para comprobar si la concentración de Fernox Protector es correcta en el sistema. Se realiza midiendo la diferencia de alcalinidad entre el agua de las tuberías y agua tratada del sistema.

Los valores óptimos citados se dan cuando el sistema recibe la dosis con la fuerza recomendada. Los valores más altos no son perjudiciales y son preferibles a los más bajos.

Agite la botella del reactivo antes de usarlo.

  1. Rellene el recipiente graduado de 30 ml hasta la marca de 10 ml con agua del grifo.
  2. Sujetando la botella de Protector Reagent de forma exactamente vertical, añada una gota (la solución debería volverse azul). Si la solución no se vuelve azul y permanece clara o se vuelve naranja inmediatamente, cuente el número de gotas como una y siga al paso 4.
  3. Continúe añadiendo Reagent gota a gota, mezclando tras cada una. Cuente el número de gotas que ha necesitado para que la solución se vuelva naranja / roja.
  4. Repita los pasos 1 a 3 de arriba con una muestra del agua del sistema.
  5. Reste el número de gotas de agua del grifo del número de gotas de agua del sistema para ver la diferencia.
  6. Reste el número de gotas de agua del grifo del número de gotas de agua del sistema para ver la diferencia.
ProductNúmero de gotas de diferencia*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 mínimo
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 mínimo
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 mínimo
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 mínimo
Protector MB-19 mínimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 mínimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 mínimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 mínimo
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 mínimo
HVAC Protector F19 mínimo
FC1 Inhibitor9 mínimo
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 mínimo

*La diferencia entre el agua del sistema y la del grifo (número de gotas usadas en el agua de sistema menos número de gotas usadas en el agua del grifo).

Detta test som används för att kontrollera att tillsatsen av Fernox Protector har rätt tillsatt koncentration i ett system. Detta görs genom att mäta skillnaden i alkalinitet mellan huvudvatten och det behandlade systemvattnet.

Optimal siffra som anges när systemet doserats med rekommenderad styrka. Värden som är högre än dessa är inte skadliga, de är istället att föredra framför underdosering.

Skaka Reagent-flaskan före användning.

  1. Fyll det graderade 30ml testkärlet till 10ml-markeringen med huvudvatten.
  2. Håll Protector Reagent-flaskan helt vertikalt upp och ner, lägg till en droppe (lösningen ska bli blå till färgen). I det fall lösningen inte blir blå, utan istället är fortsatt klar, eller blir orange direkt, räkna antal droppar som 1 och fortsätt till steg 4.
  3. Fortsätt att tillsätta droppar av Reagent, blanda mellan varje tillsättning. Räkna antal droppar som krävs för att lösningen ska bli orange/ röd.
  4. Upprepa ovanstående steg från 1 till 3 med ett systemvattenprov.
  5. Dra av antalet droppar till huvudvattnet från antalet droppar till systemvattnet för att ta fram skillnaden.
  6. Om skillnaden är mindre än det minimum som anges nedan, tillför ytterligare Protector.
ProductSkillnad i antal droppar*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Skillnad mellan systemvatten och huvudvatten (antal droppar som används i systemvattnet minus det antal droppar som används i huvudvattnet).

This test is used to check that the correct concentration of Fernox Protector has been added in a system. This is done by measuring the difference in alkalinity between mains water and treated system water.

The optimum figure quoted is when the system is dosed at the recommended strength. Higher values are not detrimental and are preferable to under-dosing.

Shake reagent bottle before use.

  1. Fill the 30ml graduated test vessel to the 10ml mark with mains water.
  2. Holding the Protector Reagent bottle exactly vertically upside down, add one drop (the solution should turn blue). If the solution does not turn blue but remains clear or turns orange immediately, count number of drops as 1 and move to step 4.
  3. Continue to add Reagent dropwise, mixing between each addition. Count the number of drops required to turn the solution orange/ red.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above with a sample of the system water.
  5. Deduct the number of drops of mains water from the number of drops of system water to give the difference.
  6. If the difference is less than the minimum given below, add additional Protector.
ProductNo. of drops difference*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 minimum
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 minimum
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 minimum
Protector MB-19 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 minimum
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 minimum
HVAC Protector F19 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor9 minimum
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 minimum

*Difference between system water and mains water (number of drops used in system water minus number of drops used in mains water).

Даний тест використовується для перевірки правильної концентрації Fernox Protector в системі. Для цього проводиться підрахунок різниці показників лужності водопровідної води і обробленої води з системи.

Оптимальний показник досягається у випадках, коли дотримується рекомендоване дозування засобу. Високі показники мають негативний вплив і, в такому випадку, рекомендується зниження дозування.

Перед використанням збовтайте пляшку з реагентом.

  1. Налийте 10 мл водопровідної води у випробувальну посудину об’ємом 30 мл.
  2. Візьміть пляшку із засобом Protector Reagent догори дном і тримайте її вертикально. Додайте одну краплю (розчин стане синього кольору). Якщо розчин не стає синім і залишається прозорим або відразу стає помаранчевим, кількість крапель дорівнює 1. Переходьте до пункту 4.
  3. Продовжуйте додавати засіб Reagent по краплі, щоразу перемішуючи. Порахуйте кількість крапель, яка була потрібна для зміни кольору розчину на помаранчевий або червоний.
  4. Повторіть пункти 1-3 з обробленою водою з системи.
  5. Для визначення різниці відніміть кількість крапель у водопровідній воді від кількості крапель в обробленій воді з системи.
  6. Якщо різниця виявилася менше мінімального показника, зазначеного нижче, необхідно додати засіб Protector.
ProductРізниця в кількості крапель*
Protector F1 (treats 130L)13 Мінімум
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 130L)13 Мінімум
Protector F1 (treats 100L)9 Мінімум
Protector+ Filter Fluid (treats 100L)10 Мінімум
Protector MB-19 Мінімум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (25%)13 Мінімум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (30%)15 Мінімум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (35%)17 Мінімум
Antifreeze Protector Alphi-11 (40%)19 Мінімум
HVAC Protector F19 Мінімум
FC1 Inhibitor9 Мінімум
FC1 Inhibitor+ Filter Fluid10 Мінімум

*Різниця показників водопровідної води і обробленої води з системи (кількість крапель у водопровідній воді мінус кількість крапель в обробленій воді з системи).
